Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 20 Crazy day!

When will I learn? Yesterday I thought that I only had a *few* things to do to get ready for our guests (my sister, her husband and their four kids).  HA! After some morning errands we spent from 12:30 until 6:30 CLEANING cleaning cleaning! We got done right before they got here, so that was good, but man alive I have got to plan better.

So the bad part is that I 1) didn't go to the gym and 2) didn't eat enough calories.  I had a piece of string cheese for lunch and was so busy the rest of the day I didn't snack or anything.
I did make yummy, yummy kebabs for dinner, so that was delicious but I was really low on the calories today which isn't good.

I know you burn calories cleaning, but I sure missed my workout today! I'll start up fresh on Monday. :)

Happy weekend everyone!

910 calories

6 hours of cleaning? ;) (at 200 an hour supposedly.)


  1. Well Steph sounds like you got a cleaning work out!

    Just try and eat more tomorrow!

    Have a good time with the fam!


  2. Can you come clean at my house next?? ~grins~

    Enjoy your company.

  3. Cleaning is always a workout around here... lol
    I wanted to let you know I was praying for you.

  4. cleaning is what I like to call "functional fitness" :)

    And great job on the treadmill HR monitor! Dont you just love progress!!!
