I'm finding it hard to believe it has already been 16 days since I started Win, Lose or Blog. It has been a great experience for me so far.
One of the questions we were asked in the application process was, "Why is this time going to be different?" It was a hard question to answer, because when you try to lose weight over and over again you start to doubt yourself, your self confidence (at least in the weight loss area) takes a huge hit every time you fail: "Why can't I do this? What is wrong with me?"
So why is this time going to be different?
First, I have an accountability that I've never had before. Every day I'm expected to report on how I ate and exercised.
Second, I'm focusing more on meeting an athletic goal than on how many calories I'm burning. Seriously, this is making such a huge difference for me! I've always admired runners, I love seeing them cross the finish line, I'm impressed by their drive to keep going and accomplish a goal. THIS time, I'm working on a 5K distance, with the goal of jog/walking one in 45 minutes. When I'm on the treadmill, I'm watching my time, I'm checking out my pace, I'm trying to step it up and finish a little faster each time. Before Win, Lose or Blog when I was on a treadmill I'd be constantly checking out "how much time do I have left? Have I burned enough calories yet?" And that made my exercise miserable! I'm finding it amazing that I don't even notice the time left, I'm not worried about the calories. That feels great!
I'm going to visit my family in Utah in August and I'm trying to find a 5K I can run while I'm there. It would be wonderful to finish it in a time FASTER than 45 minutes. I'm thinking of moving my goal to 38 minutes. Kind of a random number, but it sounds good doesn't it?
Third, I'm pushing myself. I absolutely LOVE the show "Losing it with Jillian," and how hard the people on the show are pushed by Jillian. She tests them to show them how capable they are of doing hard things. When I'm on the treadmill and the time comes to jog, I think about what Jillian would say to ME and I push myself to run longer and faster each interval.
So why is this time different for you?
Eating: 1331 Calories
Exercise: Treadmill: 55 minutes (476 calories, 3.23 miles, 3.52 mph, 17:00 pace, 120 Heart rate)
Weights: 15 minutes arms (dumbbells, kettle balls)