Friday, August 13, 2010

An end, and a beginning

My 8 weeks as a contestant on Win, Lose or Blog are over.  I was less than a pound off of my 25 pound weight loss goal and WON! Woo hoo!

Here is my final blog update from W, L or B until I can get this new blog up and fancy.

Please follow me!


Start of competition
8 weeks later

Before I started Win, Lose or Blog...
I weighed 268 pounds.
My waist measured 49 inches.
I was labeled "morbidly obese."
I often had lower back and knee pain.
Exercise was a chore
I ended every day feeling bad about myself and my choices
I "couldn't" resist treats
I ate all day long
I ate a lot each night while watching TV
I never felt comfortable in my clothes
I was frustrated at my lack of "will power"
I was optimistic that I would one day lose weight, but hadn't made a complete effort to do so.

I found Win, Lose or Blog on a message board that I frequent. I debated back and forth on whether or not to submit an application and decided to do it the last night possible.  Looking back at the "before" picture I had my husband take I remember feeling miserable and embarrassed.  I hate the fact that I look so terrible. I used to feel pretty, but haven't felt that way in a long time.

I was ecstatic when I found out I was chosen from 57 applicants. Even better was the fact that I didn't have a few days or a week to "prepare" for my diet. Usually my preparation means eating as much crap as I can before I won't be able to! Terrible!  When I first saw my picture and weight on the internet I was humiliated.  But as I worked hard and kept on at my tortoise pace I felt myself becoming empowered. I can do this, I can do this!  I read supportive words from new friends, I examined calorie intake and switched things up.  At the gym I became a regular, my workouts became more intense, my desire to workout became a habit.

Eight weeks have flown by.  I did my final weigh-in and pictures.  This is the first time I've done "before" pictures and WOW are they awesome! If you haven't done it before, I totally recommend it.  I didn't feel like I looked that different from the beginning, but looking at the two pictures side by side I see changes that make me feel accomplished.  I'm nowhere near done with weight loss, but I feel like I'm steadily on the right path.

After Win, Lose or Blog-Season 1
I weigh 243 pounds.
My waist now measures 40.5 inches (5.5 more inches to go to reach a "healthy" waist size for women)
I am only obese. Ha! That doesn't sound great but glad to see that "morbidly" go!
I haven't had back pain for many weeks! My knee is mostly better.
I can honestly say I love going to the gym!
I end every day with my muscles feeling worked, and proud of myself.
I make great food and portion choices.
I eat when I'm hungry.
I have a small snack, or no snack at all in the evening. (Depending on where my calories are, and if I am actually hungry).
While I'm not flaunting my body, I feel much better in clothes. I've gone down a size and a half in pants,  one size down in shirts, and two dress sizes!
I'm so proud of what I've accomplished in 8 weeks, and ready to keep on going!
I know I can reach my goals and am excited to get down to my goal weight.

 Even though Win, Lose or Blog is over for me, my weight loss journey will continue on my new blog See Steph Lose. Please follow me there! And please be patient while I get it looking all fancy (I'm on vacation and do not have the best internet connection).

Congratulations to all of the other contestants who lost weight, it was fun to get to know you and I look forward to keeping in touch with you and cheering you on. A BIG thanks to the ladies who organized Win, Lose or Blog your work helped me so much! And of course, thank you to everyone who cheered me on, especially my husband who was the best support a girl could ask for.

Don't forget to apply for Season 2! I'll be reading and cheering!



  1. There's a remarkable difference in those two photos - you have MUCH to be proud of! Keep it up!

  2. Great job lady, I am impressed with all you have accomplished, you have done great and will continue to do so! I do love the pics too, what a great motivator since you can see the results are there!

    Oh yeah as soon as November comes I am going to need some cheering on too! Love ya!
